thank you to Tom and Jane who GRACIOUSLY offered their home, their house, their time, their energy...they gave more to us than we coul
d have imagined and the wedding was so intimate because of the home they provided. wow. Jane did so much to keep me and my bridesmaids taken care of! they worked behind the scenes and wouldn't take credit for anything, but they deserve so much recognition. they are humble, wonderful people full of love and grace. thank you.

Gerry and Cathy...you and your wonderful family members....thank you all so much for making this possible and working so hard to make the rehearsal dinner and the wedding so beautiful. seeing your faces on the wedding day was so wonderful and Alfred and I are so blessed to have been given the gift of your love, time and energy to make the day incredible. i know weddings happen every day, but we were so blessed because we had you involved in ours and we have you in our lives. thank you.

Mommy and Daddy, i am so overwhelmed. i can't h
old in my emotion no matter how hard i try. i haven't sat down to write anything down about all of this yet and to try to grasp all of the sweat, tears, love, financial support, care and conc
ern that were given for us, i am flooded by emotion. it's not even possible to write down all that you have done, but to mention a few. Mom, your organization and ability to make all the phone calls that i couldn't do...you just took them from me and i no worries that they would be done. Daddy, your willingness to take on building a dance floor, to mow the area perfectly for the wedding, to work so hard physically to make my wedding so b
eautiful. to go through the to do lists without a sound. i am completely overwhelmed. most of all, just your love for me and my new husband...i couldn't be more thankful that you walked
me down the isle, i will always cherish that memory. you wanted this day to be perfect and even if it had fallen apart it would have been perfect because your love and your support was all i needed...both of those were more
than poured out on me and Alfred. you both silently loved us and put the work into making a day so perfect no fairy tale wedding could be written by disney to top this one, and it's all because the love of you and all our friends that made it a day Alfred and i will cherish. i love you both SO much there are no words.
more than anything i am totally blown away by what God did to make this day what it was and to prepare Alfred and i for this life together. just to give tho
se of you an idea of how God specifically orchestrated this day and its details solely because of His grace and love for His children i'll tell the story.
Alfred and i had hardly started our search for a location for the wedding, truly not sure how we could pull off a wedding in a destination location where prices are outrageous Tom and Jane in their casual giving approach said, "hey, if you guys want to you are more than welcome to have the wedding at our house." for the longest time i couldn't grasp what that meant and the love behind that offer. i almost didn't believe it because i knew how big that was. i went into the head space where i thought...for sure we will just have a tent off in the trees where we won't have to invade their space and we would stay out of the house completely. not long after we told them we would take them up on the offer, and i stressed so much that i wanted to respect every request they had regarding their property and their privacy. comments here and there from Tom and Jane like, "the great thing about having a wedding at a house is that the guests can use the restrooms" or "it would be really nice to maybe have a cocktail hour out on the patio" started bringing me to the realization that they were willing to let us use parts of the house for our guests. it didn't end there...long story short...myself and my 8 bridesmaids and my mother got ready in the house along with Alfred and his 9 groomsmen and my dad, probably more people than i know got ready there, we had the cocktail hour on their patio AND in their house, our guests were able to wander through and see the magnificent house they live in (i couldn't believe that they would be so willing to let us invade their space like we did), then the party moved from the house to the tent in their beautiful yard where the celebration and dinner began. nothing could have made this spot any better.
in addition to the generosity and love of the Hills, the story for how we acquired our the ceremony site goes like this...we had scoped out a place that was absolutely beautiful along the dyke on the Hill's property with views of the Tetons and the sounds of the river next to us, but the spot wasn't very flat. we were going for it though and we had to make sure the neighbor to the south would be ok with us putting a handful of chairs on his property. we asked him, through his caretaker because he lives full time in California, if it would be ok to use a little of his property. not only was he ok with that and willing to respect us if we WANTED the wedding there, he went a thousand steps further to offer us his manicured lawn amidst a beautifully landscaped backyard. i met with him for a couple hours one day and he walked me through the property telling me all the things he would make sure the landscapers had finished for our day. he had no need to even care about us let alone give us full reign over his property and let 200 people use it for a day. thank you to shane for his kindness and willingness to help us.
then came the search for a caterer...Jackson has wonderful caterers, but they were all so expensive and just not what we were looking for. a long time friend of my brother's came to mind, Zach. he is an incredible chef and has worked for caterers many times. we just wanted a little help from him to see if we could do the food ourselves, he not only helped us plan it out, but he jumped in to make the most incredible meal come together. he ordered and prepared almost all the food. he organized the serving of both the hor d' vours and the meal, with his wife and brother, made it happen. of course, Alfred's aunt whom i cherish and love also sacrificed time and energy to make the wonderful side dishes come together as i mentioned before. without the help of these two people, along with Liv, Evan, Steve and Susie Baldock (who were in the background manning the grill) we would have been having hot dogs and hamburgers...thank you so much.
there is no doubt that God weaved this whole story together for us. we just put it in His hands and He showed us His love through the amazing details of that day. to top it all off, i had simply said to Him one day, "God i would love to see a bald eagle fly over us sometime during our wedding day" being that they are so majestic and my favorite creature ever. the thought of that actually happening passed through my mind, knowing of course that God can do anything, but i hardly stopped to think of it again, and then as i stood facing my husband to be at the altar i saw a shadow dance across the trees behind him...i glanced up without seeing it i knew God had loved me enough to bless us with that little moment as the bald eagle passed over us. what a day. thank you, Father.
i write all of this because it is my way of not only reminiscing and trying to recapture the reality of our wedding day, but writing is my way of recognizing all those who mean so much to us and all the work they put into it. i know i missed a lot of people who helped and i am sure this whole thing is a bit jumbled, but here i am to say thank you and i know Alfred echoes my gratitude. thank you to all of you who showed us love by working hard to prepare and partying with us in our celebration!