Tuesday, November 11, 2008
he's all mine
Thursday, October 2, 2008
greatly missed and forever cherished
people say that a picture is worth a thousand words...this comes close to saying it all about our friend Al. amidst the tears we shed missing you and pouring out the love we have for your family we definitely find smiles on our faces remembering your smile and laughter that was never void when you were in the room. Barb, Ryan, Michelle, Amy & Forrest and Colleen & Erik...i hope you know you are loved and cherished on this day. you all carry on the heart and joy and vibrance of an incredible man and one day we will all sing and dance together in the presence of Jesus, the One who saves us. all my love...
Friday, August 15, 2008
catching up on life with friends
so...this was a much needed hike. i hadn't been up in the tetons in far too long so i rallied the troops and despite the fact that two of the three of us wanted to sleep in and play hookey we got up and headed out (we did decide to do a more simple hike to make the day a little easier). and although we weren't dying of heat or anything we decided to jump in the frigid creek...we're talking maybe 45 degrees...no joke.
Monday, July 21, 2008
jimmy and shannon-diamond cross ranch
congratulations to the beautiful couple. saturday i shot my first contracted wedding and during the reception i thought to myself, i have never had a better time at a wedding. i absolutely loved capturing the day for shannon and jimmy. and with that said, it was truly a beautiful wedding and celebration with awesome family and friends of the commitment between these two people. i want to say thank you to them for the opportunity to help tell the story of their day, and to tim, the head photographer for letting me work with him and to neill for lending his eye and his skills.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008
crazy thing
if you can imagine this...just hanging out at the lake this weekend we hear that some friends of ours have picked up this little fawn from the middle of the lake. the story goes that they saw this little guy fall from a cliff into the water and confused, start swimming away from shore. by the time they got to it, he was exhausted and wouldn't have made it much farther. he was completely docile and quiet as he laid in this beautiful woman's lap (no wonder the dear was comfortable...she's the mother of two, she knows a bit about comforting little ones). i don't know the end of the story, but hopefully the game and fish showed up to take care of it seeing as it no longer has a mother.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
wedding pics
well, i second shot this wedding for kat, my sis-in-law. sean, the groom, has been a friend of my brother's for a LONG time so it was fun to be involved. it was a fun jackson wedding totally laid back and of course great people and scenery. it's been almost a year, but i can still wish the happy couple, sean and stina, best wishes!
all of these are STOC, i've decided not to mess with them

Friday, May 16, 2008
back in the us of a
well, hello. i am back from ireland on my "home" turf...dc that is. i decided to throw up some pictures of the trip. they're a bit random, but a few of the ones that stuck out to me. the first two are of the girls and i at killiney beach which is south of dublin. we took a little drive to get out before our long flight back home. it was a nice little adventure.
there is a park called st. stephen's green that is very beautiful. there is a huge pond and a lot of different walkways that take you through green grass and trees and fountains. here are two resident swans that were trying to sleep in the midst of hundreds of people on out on a sunny day (a rare sunny day i might add...we were blessed with great weather).
this is just a random shot as i was walking from our hotel to the main strip, grafton street, where i did a little shopping and picture taking.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
cape st. claire
this is also a long over due post that i have a little time to catch up on while i am spending some down time in my hotel in ireland. after helping our friends ryan and shannon out with their back yard (ok...alfred helped while i got myself lost on a walk through their neighborhood) we jumped on the boat for the first time this year to enjoy the water before the sun went down. we caught the moon coming up right as we were leaving
Monday, May 5, 2008
the irish sea
so this is my first time truly experiencing the irish sea. it's very beautiful. the clouds rolled in and just hung over the water only about 100 yards high. when they aren't there you can see land across the bay, or at least i think it's the bay. either way i am hoping to get out and get some more...these were just taking from the hotel room while i was watching the little munchkins. more from ireland later
a moment in time
before i headed off to ireland alfred and i met up with some friends, jesse and sarah, and headed down to a dock in northern virginia that looks across the river to our nations capital. we had a little fun taking some night time pictures...
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
a day in dc
Saturday, April 5, 2008
truly beautiful
i took this snap shot one handed on my way to work a couple weeks ago in jackson. i know that doesn't sound too professional, but i was late and stopping wasn't an option. i guess i could have silently enjoyed it and kept the colors and scenery tucked away in my own head, but it was too beautiful to pass up. despite it's blurriness and the faded colors...it was definitely more brilliant in my hard drive file, here it is.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Friday, March 7, 2008
in attempt to catch up a little i will be posting some of my past favorites...and not so favorites. the first, definitely some in the favorite category, are some from a family shoot i did with my sister in law on Manhattan Beach in California. they are such a beautiful family it was hard to not get good pictures!
Thursday, February 28, 2008
"it's a new dawn, it's a new day, it's a new life"...and thank God His mercies are new every morning!
mark it in the history books...i've started a blog. not just a blog, a true photography blog and that's why i am thanking God that His mercies are new every morning because i need major help in this learning process. so here goes...
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